Darth Vader

Star Wars Joysticks: Darth Vader and Millennium Falcon

These two Star Wars-themed joysticks are loaded with games. You simply plug the control into your TV and you're ready…

Star Wars Pillows

A new line of pillows in the same style as the Transformers one are now available at ThinkGeek. This time…

Darth Vader Trick or Treat Pail

We all knew that Darth Vader deep inside was as sweet as candy. If we ever had our doubts, here…

Darth Vader TIE Fighter Bobblehead

Are you up for another Darth Vader entry? Ok, I'll make this short and promise that the next Star Wars…

Darth Vader Guitar T-shirt

Did you enjoy the Han (Guitar) Solo t-shirt posted last week? Here's your chance to get something similar with the…

LEGO Star Wars Watches

A new line of LEGO Star Wars-inspired timepieces has now been introduced. There are four different models available: Darth Vader,…

Darth Vader Flashlight

It turns out the the Darth Vader EVA Lamp wasn't the only product where they have used Mr. Dark Side…

Star Wars Plush

Lots of Star Wars news on GeekAlerts this week, I know. But it's hard not to mention these fun, cute…

Star Wars Slippers

Make sure to keep both your feet and golf clubs warm by matching up those Star Wars golf club covers…

Star Wars Costume T-shirts

Something for those Star Wars fans how wants to show their love for Lucas's epic space saga, but are still…

Darth Vader Projector Alarm Clock

We have covered Darth Vader clocks and watches here at GeekAlerts before, but never like this one. This dark side…

Darth Vader Lamp

Recently we have seen the guy as a backpack, shoes, laptop, golf club cover, pillow, watch and a transformer -…

Darth Vader / Death Star Transformer

Do you think the Transformers movie is the best thing that has happened since the birth of Star Wars? Then…

DIY Star Wars Art Book Covers

Make your very own custom Star Wars Art Book Covers designed by Star Wars artists Katie Cook and Grant Gould.…

Darth Vader Watch

You will need to be quite a hardcore Star Wars fan to look proud when wearing this watch. Still, it…

Darth Vader Pillow

If this dark side pillow will make it easier for you to fall asleep, or keep you awake all night…

Yoda F/X Lightsaber

If you have dressed up your clubs with Yoda Golf Club Covers the next step would be to replace those…

Star Wars Golf Club Covers

May the fore not be with you using these Star Wars golf club covers. Choose between Darth Vader (Estimated arrival:…

Star Wars Talking Dashboard Statues

Do you sometimes feel a bit lonely when driving around in your car? Now you can let one of the…

Darth Vader Collectible Lightsaber

The Star Wars Lightsaber: Darth Vader Force FX Collectible ($190) is an official replica of Darth Vader's Lightsaber from Star…