
Punisher War Journal Body Armor T-Shirt

We've seen some really cool costume t-shirts in the past such as the Doctor Who, Darth Vader, Stormtrooper, R2-D2, and…

Yoshi Nintendo Dog Costume

Dogs will do anything for a sweet or meaty treat. If that means getting dressed up for Halloween and going door-to-door…

Silk Specter Costume

Girl geeks dressing up as Wonder Woman, Catwoman, She-Ra or Supergirl won't likely win the costume contest this Halloween, because…

Lord of the Rings Kids Hobbit Feet

Lord of the Rings is one of the most beloved fantasy series and movie series there is. Geeks love to…

Star Trek Baby Costumes

Geeks love to dress up in the costumes of their favorite nerdy characters, so why not let your baby get…

Pet Star Wars Costumes

Geeky humans love to dress up as their favorite Star Wars characters, but it takes a special kind of geek…

Sloth from the Goonies Mask

The Sloth from the Goonies was my least favorite character of all. He also makes it to my list of…

Stylish Pink Mustaches for Girls

Remember that pack of Seven Deadly Mustaches that was featured on GeekAlerts earlier, where any man can choose from seven…

Cow For All Seasons

Little girls dress up Barbie dolls and small boys build their own action figures or think up all sorts of…

Nintendo Gameboy Tube Dress

A couple weeks back we posted about the Nintendo Gameboy Dress, and it was a huge hit. I'm not sure…

DC Comics Green Lantern Costume

You may think it's a little early for Halloween costumes, but when October rolls around and The Green Lantern is…

Officially Licensed Star Trek Original Series T-Shirts

I hope that your office has causal Friday's this summer; if it does, we have the perfect t-shirt for all…

His and Hers Instant Weirdo Glasses

We geeks are weird by nature, but if you find that you are not weird enough, just put on one…

Seven Deadly Mustaches Costume Set

Here's something to feed your mustache addiction further. If you've already stocked up on the Moustachio Pillow and have the…

Star Wars Costume Hoodies

Are you looking for some Star Wars action to keep you warm on a cool summer night?  How about these…

Doctor Who T-Shirt Costumes

Most geeks love t-shirts, preferring comfort over style. Some even choose to wear a Tuxedo T-Shirt to black tie events.…

Batman Costume Hoodie

For those of you who enjoyed the Star Wars Costume T-shirts that we wrote about last year, here's something that…

Giant Transformers Optimus Prime Costume

Homemade Transformers costumes - you've seen them before, but this 10-foot tall Optimus Prime costume really does stand out from…

Mario and Luigi Halloween Costumes

If you don't like the thought of running around with Mr. Vader's head filled with candy for Halloween, then here's…

Buzz Lightyear Costume

Have you ever felt that you have more friends than you can handle? Not a problem anymore. This Buzz Lightyear…