Christmas Ornaments

Doctor Who Dalek Ornament

Christmas is a long ways away, but you can never have enough geeky ornaments ahead of time. You'll want to…

Doctor Who TARDIS Christmas Ornament

It's never too early to buy an awesome geeky ornament for your Christmas tree. This Doctor Who TARDIS Christmas Ornament…

SPAM Holiday Snowdome, Wrapping Paper, and Ornament

Tis the season for holiday shopping, visiting family, watching classic Christmas stories on TV, and enjoying SPAM products??? That's right,…

Farting Butt Ornaments

It might be the season to be jolly, but that doesn't mean you can't be funny or quirky. You might…

Mustache Ornament

This Christmas, show your love for mustaches and everything that resembles one with the Mustache Ornament. Hang it up proudly…

Peanuts Charlie Brown Christmas Tree

You may not be part of the 1%, and in this economy you may not be able to afford the…

Faces of Jack Skellington Ornament Set

GeekAlerts has shown you some pretty cool Christmas Ornaments these past weeks and with time counting down until the big…

Tru Blood Bottle Christmas Ornament

These new Tru Blood Bottle Christmas Ornaments are very reminiscent of the Tru Blood Beverages we posted about in the…

Zombie Mistletoe – Christmas Ornament

You've seen the Zombie Stocking Ornament and the Gingerbread Zombie Ornament along with a ton of other cool zombie stuff.…

LEGO Christmas Holiday Ornaments

Recently we saw the Pantone Ornaments, which were a clever and colorful way to decorate your Christmas tree. Another way…

Gingerbread Zombie Christmas Ornament

I remember one of the treats that I always looked forward to during Christmas was gingerbread cookies. Sometimes my mom…

Zombie Stocking Christmas Ornament

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas. Everyone's rushing around doing their shopping, stores are slashing prices like crazy,…

Star Wars R2-Q5 & R2-A3 Ornaments

Deck the halls with...Droid ornaments? You bet! Star Wars fans will want to decorate their tree with some good old…

Twiggy Snowman Christmas Ornament

One highlight of the holiday season is when the entire family comes together on the second week of December to…

Phone Booth Christmas Ornament

Make decorating the tree this year more of a family event. Get everyone in the whole clan to help out…

Pantone Christmas Ornaments

When you think of Christmas, images of Santa riding on his sleigh and candy canes immediately pop into mind. Think…

Skull Ornaments

Celebrate the most wonderful time of the year in an offbeat and definitely non-traditional way by hanging these Skull Ornaments…

Angry Birds 16 Piece Holiday Christmas Tree Ornament Set

Angry Birds is all the rage so while you are decking out the Christmas tree this year, why not add…

Guitar Jam Christmas Tree Ornaments

The official Christmas countdown has now begun! I always begin counting down the days when Christmas is just a hundred…

TannenBomb Prank Holiday Ornament

The mistletoe has been hung and the wreaths have been put up. The smell of Christmas cookies baking in the…