
Un Homme/Une Femme Vases

It's a relief that two genders exist when it comes to humans, animals and even plants. Imagine living in a…

Left and Right Bookends

It's a big election year for the US. It's funny how such a big nation has eternally been dichotomized into two major…

Square Root Wall Art

Do you have a lifeless wall that needs some color? Add depth, dimension and loads of color while designing your own configuration of squares…

Peace of Cake Pan

Some people like to rally in front of government buildings to promote peace, while others like to bring harmony by means…

Oliver Peppermint Stick Appetizer Plate

There's always that kid who can't resist licking a metal pole in the dead of winter. While the aftermath is no fun…

The Hungover Cookbook

It happens to the best of us. You forget your liquor threshold one evening only to wake up with a…

Washing Machine Hamper

Some of us like to recycle our clothes and wear them more than once between washings. Whether it's out of…

Soap on a Rope

In the midst of cold and flu season, now is an opportune time to practice rigorous hand washing. Good hygiene starts…

The End Bookend

We at GeekAlerts are big fans of cleverly-crafted bookends. Maybe you've seen the Star Wars Trash Compactor Bookends, taking us…

Type 39″ Clock

There's something about black and white busy patterns that bring our neurons to a standstill. This timepiece is called the Type 39" Clock, but…

Fyrkat Cone Charcoal Grill

You're probably not going to find a lot of small BBQ grills on the market that have rotisserie capabilities. The…

Wish Dry-Erase Bank

There are times when fate takes over and sees our wishes through, but more often than not it's up to oneself…

Oliver Martini Glasses

Martinis have evolved into drinks that are less hoity toity and more frou-frou fun, like pomegranatinis, chocolatinis, and even lycheetinis. Sometimes they taste so good…

Steampunk Robot

Robots come in all shapes and sizes. Most of the ones we've posted on GA have each offered a gadgety function. Among them…