Bottle Opener

Knuckle Duster Corkscrew

GeekAlerts has shown you several ways to beat stress (Knuckle Pounder Meat Tenderizer, Stress Beater Brass Knuckles) with things that…

Ring Bottle Opener

You're at a beach party and some hottie needs help opening her beer; what do you do?  You could try…

Railroad Spike Bottle Opener

Looking for a rustic bottle opener that has some history behind it.  The Railroad Spike Bottle Opener is forged from…

Cast Iron Tool Bottle Opener

Don't let looks deceive you. These tools are forged from cast iron, but they aren't really tools. In the conventional…

Titan Multi Tool Collar Stays

So you're looking pretty fine as you stand by the bar and scout the wedding reception for pretty ladies. One…

i-Ecko 2GB USB Bottle Opener

Finally someone has us covered. Working those late nights will never be the same now that you can enjoy a…

Doctor Who Dalek Bottle Opener

Anyone who has ever watched Doctor Who knows that Daleks are pure evil. They have never helped anyone. Until now.…

Star Wars Lightsaber Bottle Opener

Star Wars and a cold beer. They may be the two best things ever. If I could open a cold…

iBottle Opener Phone Case

You've only got so much space in your pockets and don't always have the luxury of carrying your iPhone and…

Ctrl+O Bottle Opener

You don't really have to be the most tech savvy person to know what the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+O does on…

Klingon Korkscrew – Star Trek Wine Bottle Opener

If you're having beer and pizza at a Star Trek party, you are all set with the Enterprise Pizza Slicer…

Penguin Bottle Butler Wine Opener

Remember the days when the wine industry was all so serious? Those days have long since passed and now funky…

16GB USB Drive Bottle Opener

This is not the first USB bottle opener available, last year this 1GB model from Popdrive was released. But the…

Star Trek Enterprise Bottle Opener

We have seen the design of this classic spaceship as a source of inspiration for a chandelier, a telephone and…

Talking Stewie Griffin Bottle Opener

Fans of the animated television series Family Guy can now get their hands on a fun talking bottle opener shaped…

Beer Tracker

If you need something like this to keep track of how many beers you've had, then it would probably be…