
Wondershelf Floating Bookshelf

The Wondershelf Floating Bookshelf makes it look like a caped superhero saved your books from a damaging fall just in…

Batman Arkham Asylum Book Shelves

If you want to get a little batty with your book storage, the Batman Arkham Asylum Book Shelves will make…

The End Bookend

When it comes to great books, nothing beats a good ol’ end-of-the-world story, and The End Bookend lets you put…

Stacked Paperback Wallpaper

With all these swanky products you see on GeekAlerts, non-geeks are starting to turn into wannabes. Not that there's anything wrong with…

Iron Joe Polar Bear Bookshelf

Do you need more Bear related furniture in your home? You could always get yourself one of those Bear skin…

Star Wars Jabba’s Palace Bookends

Keep all your Star Wars books neatly in place on your bookshelf with Star Wars Jabba's Palace Bookends. This limited…

Flex – The Ultimate CD Furniture

Do you have lots of CD's and want to be able to keep them close yo your stereo or computer?…

Play Modular Shelving System

The Play Modular Storage and Shelving System looks like a lot of fun for both old and young. This LEGO…

Dog Bookshelf

This cute looking Pack of Dogs bookshelf have been created by NEL - "a collective of designers who join forces…

Award Winning Folding Bookshelves

These Designer Bookshelves ($439) have been awarded with a well deserved prize in the international design competition organized by the…