
Marvel Deadpool Cowabunga Pendant

The Marvel Deadpool Cowabunga Pendant is an adorable pendant that has Deadpool's smiling face on a bomb. There is also…

Bombs Away Shot Glasses

This Bombs Away Shot Glass 4-Pack is the bomb. You get four shot glasses in the shape of bombs. However,…

Bomb Pen and Explosion Note Pad Set

This Bomb Pen and Explosion Note Pad Set is the bomb. No, really. You get a bomb-shaped pen and an…

Defusable Bomb Alarm Clock

Waking up in the morning stinks. It would take a bomb to wake some people up. For those people, here…

Cool52s Ice Tray

There's something very satisfying about dropping an ice cube into your drink as you prepare for a nice cold beverage.…

Zelda Bomb Bag with 3 Blue Bombs

Zelda fans will love this handmade Zelda Bomb Bag with 3 Blue Bombs. The roughly 6 inches tall, the blue…

The Megaton Massive Bomb Lamp

You could say that your lamp is the bomb, but you can't mean it in the literal sense unless you've…

Nintendo Super Mario Candy Bob-Omb

The GA cornucopia of Super Mario candy keeps getting fuller. So far, there's been the Super Mario Question Box Candy Tin…

F Bomb Paperweight

Know anyone that has real skill with dropping the F bomb? It’s frequently an over-looked, and occasionally frowned-upon, talent, but…

MollaSpace Peaceful Bomb Vase

Bombs away! But don't expect any explosions if you're using the MollaSpace Peaceful Bomb Vase; you'll probably hear the crash…

Pass The Bomb Game

Put some life into the party by playing a round of Pass The Bomb. Contrary to the name of the…

Kaboom Candles

These are the candles that you should light up when you literally feel like exploding. The Kaboom Candles are bomb-shaped…

Bombs Away Shot Glass

Themed shot glasses are one of our favorite things at GeekAlerts since almost everybody collects them and they make cheap…

Bath Bombs

If the Love Duck Radio feels a little bit too cute for your bathroom accessory taste, maybe you want to…