Amy Pond

Weeping Angel T-Shirt

The Eleventh Doctor and Amy Pond return for a new adventure on this Weeping Angel T-Shirt. Matt Smith's Doctor joins…

Doctor Who Women of Who Art Prints

The Bad Wolf, the Girl Who Waited, the Impossible Girl, and a classic fan favorite can be yours with these…

Doctor Who Goodbye Raggedy Man T-Shirt

Do you enjoy dining on the tears of distraught Whovians? The Doctor Who Goodbye Raggedy Man T-Shirt will insure that…

Doctor Who Hot Tub Time Machine T-Shirt

The Doctor without clothes? There was a time when the scene on the Doctor Who Hot Tub Time Machine T-Shirt…

Doctor Who Companions T-Shirt

The Doctor's face and personality might change but it's his Companions that really add spice to his adventures because each…

Doctor Who Masterpiece Collection Amy Pond Premium Bust

Sure, we were introduced to the Doctor's new Companion in the Christmas special but there are still plenty of people…

Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor and Amy Pond Alarm Clock

You watch it all day; you dream about it, why not wake up to it. I'm talking about Doctor Who…

Doctor Who 2012 Wall Calendar

Even Time Lords need to plan their daily events and what better way to keep track of everything than to…

Doctor Who Amy Pond Cutout

Doctor Who is awesome for many reasons. Great writing, great acting and some cool aliens and monsters. It also doesn't…