Clue: The Office

With Michael Scott gone with love Holly, who will be the world's best boss on The Office?  Can Dwight bounce…

Mini Samurai Sword Black Ninja Folding Umbrella

Umbrellas are boring, but useful items, so anytime we can spice things up we like it. Take this Mini Samurai…

Darth Vader 4GB USB Drive

There are plenty of Darth Vader USB drives out there, but I like this one because it isn't quite as…

Cold Blooded Ice Cube Tray

Vampires are pretty cold blooded. I mean they are dead. Or is it undead? Anyway, Vampires are not to be…

Star Trek Kirk vs Gorn Action Figure Two-Pack

Star Trek fans will remember the classic episode "Arena" from the original Star Trek series where Captain Kirk has his…

Nightmare Before Christmas Jack & Sally Bearbrick

What do you get when you combine Tim Burton's Nightmare Before Christmas movie and Bearbrick collectables from the Japanese company…

Chillbots Robot Ice Cube Tray

Robots can be scary when you think about the technology. Will they always be docile and subservient or will they…

Pizza Shark Pizza Cutter

If you are serious about your love of pizza, you are going to want a serious pizza cutter right? The…

Robot Kitchen Timer

Where are the robots that we were promised for the 21st century? I don't see them. I have to get…

Ideal Sharky’s Diner Game

As we all know from movies like Jaws and various Discovery Channel programs, Sharks will eat just about anything, even…

Rory’s Story Cubes

I see a lot of kids these days playing non-stop on their handheld video game consoles or clambering to play…

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Drinking Glasses

If you liked the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Shot Glasses, but prefer a cold beverage to a shot of whiskey,…

Star Wars The Force Trainer

Are you ready to take your Jedi training to the next level?  The Star Wars The Force Trainer is great for…

Star Wars Hailfire Droid R/C Vehicle

For kids, R/C fans and Star Wars Clone Wars fans, the Star Wars Hailfire Droid R/C Vehicle makes a great…

Star Wars R2 D2 Trouble Board Game

Are you looking for another cool board game to add to your ever growing collection?  If so, the Star Wars…

The Smurfs Movie Character Set

I haven't seen the recently released Smurfs Movie yet, but I do remember watching the cartoons as a kid.  Gargamel…

USB Star Wars Lightsaber Lamp & Flashlight

Are you looking for a fully licensed Lucasfilm collectible to put on your office desk?  If so, GeekAlerts has a…

Little Whizzer Peeing Boy Liquor Dispenser

This will probably be the highlight of your party once you display this little fella and have him serve up…

Science & Math Pop Quiz Clocks

GeekAlerts has shown you a similar Pop Quiz Clock and you seemed to like it; so here are two updated…

Stylish Pink Mustaches for Girls

Remember that pack of Seven Deadly Mustaches that was featured on GeekAlerts earlier, where any man can choose from seven…