Garment Deodorizer

Garment Deodorizer

It’s easy to take care of laundry when there’s a dry cleaner around but what if time or money is running a little short and you really need that outfit for the company luncheon tomorrow… preferably without the smell of Uncle Charlie’s cigar smoke. The […]

Hydra Book Light

Hydra Book Light

Book lights are wonderful things. After all, why light up an entire room just to read a book? Just clip the light onto the book, spend some time fiddling with the light to get it aimed just right, and then… you flip the page and […]

Zombie Juice Water Bottle

Zombie Juice Water Bottle

There is no doubt that AMC’s “The Walking Dead” is a great show, but it comes with a serious downside. Now the world is aware of zombies so it’s hard for the re-animated dead to keep things on the down-low. The living know we’re walking […]

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Cryogen LED Watch

The Cryogen LED Watch is a new Japanese inspired watch, that is sure to attract the attention of fans of other cool LED watches like the Anti-Grinch LED Watch, Light Speed USB Watch, and Influx LED Watch.