Superhero Hip Flasks

Fighting crime is thirsty work, but the daily grind can make you need something to drink just as bad. The Superhero Hip Flasks come to the rescue, making sure you’re always prepared to battle thirst.

Regardless of whether you prefer Marvel or DC heroes, these flasks are made to be your thirst-conquering champions. Each flask is made of brushed stainless steel and features durable, water-resistant, fade-resistant vinyl decals that have been laminated with clear, professional-grade PVC for extra durability and protection.

Who will you choose to defend you against a dry mouth? Will it be Superman, Batman, Green Lantern, Iron Man, or one of the many other heroes you can choose from?

Holds 6 ounces
Fits conveniently in a pocket or purse
Available in four different finishes including: embossed antique leather, embossed cloth, glossy sparkle, and smooth matte
Your order also includes one FREE flask funnel
Flask Measures: Approx. 3.75″ Length, 1.00″ Width, 4.50″ Height
Design wraps completely around flask

The Superhero Hip Flasks are available for $19.98 each at LadyRene’s Etsy store.

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