Star Wars Sweatshirt

Prepare to dazzle everyone with the force of the Star Wars Sweatshirt as Darth Vader tries to grab a piece of the ‘ugly Christmas sweater’ pie.

Some shirts we wear to impress; others we wear to burn the eyes of any who look upon it. Just in case you were wondering, this sweatshirt falls into that latter category.

If you’re looking for a shirt that will grab everyone’s attention, and not in a ‘Cool shirt, bro,’ kind of way, this intensely-colored homage to Star Wars is the shirt you’re looking for. A reddish/pink Vader covered in gold lattice-work stares out boldly from the center of the image, daring anyone to laugh… and there will probably be some who do, anyway.

A colorful R2-D2 hovers above Vader’s head while Yoda and C-3PO are hanging out on either side of the fallen Jedi, with both of them probably breathing a sigh of relief that they got to keep a semblance of their normal coloring.

It’s brash. It’s bold. It’s bright. And believe it or not, it’s on backorder, but the Star Wars Sweatshirt can be pre-ordered today for $59.84 at

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