Star Wars Chewie Surf Poster

The waves are gnarly and the Wookie is wet with the Star Wars Chewie Surf Poster, and the idea of a wet Wookie adds a whole new dimension to the idea of gnarly.

When Chewbacca isn’t busy trying to keep his pal, Han Solo, out of trouble, he can be found on a beach, catching some sun and hanging ten. Ten??? How many toes does a Wookie have, anyway?

Before you roll your eyes and decide this is just the work of someone with Photoshop and too much time on their hands, it is actually officially-licensed Star Wars merchandise. Yes, someone really thought the world needed this… and maybe we do. After all, when’s the last time we saw Chewie enjoying a little vacation time?

The poster measures approximately 24-inches wide by 36-inches long.

Catch some waves with the Star Wars Chewie Surf Poster for $11.73 at Red5.

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