Star Trek Mr. Spock Logic and Prosperity Box

The Star Trek Mr. Spock Logic and Prosperity Box honors the true hero of Star Trek because we all know Spock is the reason every person on the Starship Enterprise didn’t lose their lives.

Human are emotional but James Kirk takes things to the extreme. Always ready to charge into one crazy situation after another, with only the advice of his calm, cool, and collected first officer to reign the insanity in. Wouldn’t it be awesome to have Mr. Spock guide us through our day?

Now, everyone can have their lives filled with a little orderly logic with a hand-painted bust of everyone’s favorite Vulcan that comes with a display stand and a booklet that contains philosophical quotes and images of the science officer in action.

Although you’ll probably be like Kirk and ignore most of the advice that could help you avoid trouble, the Star Trek Mr. Spock Logic and Prosperity Box is available for £11.75/$18.81 at

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