Star Trek Fun with Kirk and Spock Book

If the 5-year mission of the Starship Enterprise was like one of those old Dick and Jane stories, you’d get Star Trek Fun with Kirk and Spock Book, which puts the adventures of the captain and his crew in a whole new light.

Many geeks of a certain age fondly(??) remember those riveting stories that had us first see Dick, and then see Dick run. Not caring about overloading our delicate senses with too much action, the story then would introduce the reader to Jane, who also happened to be running.

I don’t know if this parody book will show either Kirk or Spock running but we do get to see the first officer push down his feelings, an ensign feel frustration at being unable to duplicate the Vulcan hand sign, and the crew’s reaction to being in a bad universe.

The 64-page, hardcover Star Trek Fun with Kirk and Spock is available for $10.01 at Amazon. It’s also available as an ebook for $9.51.

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