Solowheel Gyroscopic Electric Unicycle

While the Segway was a revolution in personal transportation, the Solowheel is the latest evolution in electric vehicle technology. Similar to a Segway, the Solowheel features gyroscopic sensors to maintain perfect balance, and the rider controls speed and direction by leaning. It is also similar in that it is an eco-friendly electric vehicle that is great for getting around a city. Where it is different is that it is much more compact, lightweight, and less expensive to buy.

Although a Segway is much smaller and lighter than even a sub-compact car, it is big enough that it needs a parking spot. However, the Solowheel only weighs 25 pounds and is small enough that the typical person can pick it up by the built-in handle to carry up to the office and place under the desk. Despite the small size, it is able to propel a rider weighing 160 pounds at speeds up to 10 mph for as much as 2 hours on a full charge of its lithium ion battery.

Solowheel is the smallest, greenest, most convenient People Mover ever invented. Gyroscope technology is behind this new self-balancing electric unicycle that is more compact and fun to ride than any folding electric bike!

The Solowheel is easy to learn. Because of the gyro-sensors and left and right steering capability, you can literally step on and go. The Solowheel is very portable and weighs only twenty pounds. This allows you to carry your wheel with you: into a store or restaurant, on an elevator, into work, to the movie theatre, onto a bus or train, or into your classroom. Transportation that provides users with an easy, uncomplicated, straightforward ride is the goal of the Solowheel. So get on and get going wherever you are!

Solowheel Gyroscopic Electric Unicycle

  • 1,000-watt electric motor
  • 16″ diameter wheel
  • Sturdy ABS case
  • Supports up to 250 pounds
  • Dimensions: 17″ L x 5″ W x 19″ H
  • Weight: 25 pounds

The Gyroscopic Electric Unicycle is available for $1,800 from Hammacher Schlemmer.

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