Solitaire Chess

Traveling alone or stuck in a long plane ride with no companion for the trip? Solitaire just not cutting it out for you? Then try your hand at Solitaire Chess. From the name, you might expect it to be a battle to get to the other side of the board but this game follows completely different mechanics.

Solitaire Chess is a challenge to master and it’s definitely something that will keep you occupied for the whole time you’re all by your lonesome. The goal here is to eliminate all of the pieces on the board except for one–which isn’t really easy to do once you try your hand at the game.

Solitaire Chess

The aptly-titled Solitaire Chess is a sequential logic puzzle that uses all the same moves as chess. However, your challenge is not to defeat an opponent; but to eliminate all but one piece on the board.

The set comes with 60 different challenge cards, of varying difficulty. Set out the pieces according to the card and begin taking them, one by one. Just like solitaire, it’s all about strategy, forward planning, and a smidgen of good luck. Just make sure you don’t get backed into a corner.

Solitaire Chess is available from Firebox for £13.99.

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