Society 6 iPhone Case

Society 6 has outdone themselves by coming up with an iPhone case that replicates a famous scene from Star Wars. You know, the one where Han Solo was frozen in carbonite (and right after Princess Leia told him that she loved him, too! Bad timing!)

Only in this case (pun intended), Han Solo isn’t the one trying to break free. It’s Apple CEO Steve Jobs.

The cases were available on Society 6’s website until shortly (roughly 8 days ago) when the designer was issued a cease and desist order by Apple.

The head honcho of the company that produces the top-selling smartphones and tablets probably wasn’t too please or impressed (another pun) with the case. However, Society 6 was able to send out some of the cases to people who put in their purchases when the product when live so maybe you can wait for a few weeks or so to scour eBay for this case.

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