Smithsonian Glow-In-The-Dark Spider Computer Mouse

Sometimes we just want a little something extra to spice up our workspace, and the Smithsonian Glow-In-The-Dark Spider Computer Mouse does a great job of that, along with making sure anyone suffering from arachnophobia will never bother you at your computer again.

It doesn’t matter if you have a fondness for nature or a fondness for freaking out coworkers, this little acrylic-coated guy will bring the outdoors to you in wicked style. Yes, that’s a real spider so every Mouse is going to look a little different but a few chills can be expected, regardless of what your particular eight-legged wonder looks like. Can you honestly rest your hand on the back of this dude without feeling just a little squeamish? I’m thinking of snatching one of these up for myself because the wife will never hog the computer again. Actually, she’d probably never mess with the computer at all.

Increase the creep-factor and get a little chuckle when think about what you’re holding while surfing the World Wide Web when you get the Smithsonian Glow-In-The-Dark Spider Computer Mouse for $28 from

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