
At first glance, the Share-A-Watt looks sort of like a kitchen cleaver, without the blade, without the sturdy handle, and definitely a whole lot thicker. But just as well, because it’s obviously not intended for the kitchen. It’s actually a power strip of a different kind which you can plug your gadgets into to charge them up.

The Share-A-Watt has two grounded outlets, two USB ports, and a built-in surge protection to make sure your devices don’t go on the fritz with any unexpected power surges. Maximize that single outlet at the coffee shop by bringing this handy device with you while you’re on the go.


Share-A-Watt is a travel sized power strip that protects your favorite electronics from power surges while also freeing up space for your fellow free WiFi moochers. Perfect for travelers and telecommuters alike, Share-A-Watt provides two grounded outlets, two USB ports, and built-in surge protection with an LED indicator. No more begging strangers to unplug so your phone can charge! Just pull the Share-A-Watt from your bag and let them know that sharing is caring.

Share-A-Watt is available from ThinkGeek for $19.99.

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