Self-Propelled Aquanaut Suit

You don’t need to be Tony Stark to armor up in the Self-Propelled Aquanaut Suit, although having access to Tony’s bank account wouldn’t be a bad thing.

So you’re just hanging out and suddenly get the urge to be 1,000 feet below the water’s surface. It’s understandable, but how exactly do you scratch that aquatic itch?

With this suit that lets you become a real life Iron Man. While it looks bulky and heavy (because it is), 24 sealed and integrated A536 aluminium alloy rotary joints do actually provide movement for the wearer’s arms and legs, while four 1.6-horsepower thrusters integrated into the suit provide vertical, horizontal, and rotational movement.

Of course, movement and lighting and sonar don’t do much good if you can’t breathe underwater, so it’s a good thing the suit provides 50 hours of life support. There’s also a built-in, shoulder-mounted, high-definition video camera that lets you record and share what you see down there. Let’s see your friends’ vacation photos top that.

The Self-Propelled Aquanaut Suit is available for $825,000 at Hammacher Schlemmer.

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