Power Nap Capsule

Everyone knows a good night’s sleep still doesn’t take away the joy experienced by grabbing a few Zzz’s with a quick nap, and the Power Nap Capsule lets you elevate that bit of shut-eye to a whole new level.

Forget about simply dropping your head to your desk for a few winks because this spacious, semi-enclosed fiberglass frame creates the perfect sleeping environment, with a calfskin leather mattress filled with 6-inch-thick cold foam that reduces pressure points, encourages proper spinal alignment, improves circulation, and facilitates optimal relaxation, and you don’t have to worry about feeling cramped because the sleep surface is 12-inches longer than a king-size mattress, providing plenty of room to sprawl out while you take a quick walk through Dreamland.

Thanks to the fine folks at NASA, you don’t even have to feel bad about taking a midday siesta because the organization did a study that proves napping can improve reaction time by 16% and concentration by 34%, so feel free to wheel this baby into your office and tell the boss that letting you nap is actually beneficial to the company.

Power Nap Capsule

  • 57″ H x 53″ W x 116″ L.
  • 180 lbs.

You can sleep on the Power Nap Capsule for $25,000 at Hammacher Schlemmer.

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