Portable Laptop Desk

Working from home on computer has its advantages and one of them is not being seen. Nobody knows that you’re in your pajamas and even better, snuggled in the warmth of your blankets in bed or on the couch. But just because you’re comfy doesn’t mean you aren’t productive, thanks to the Portable Laptop Desk.

Need a multifunctional laptop workstation? Or a TV tray for food / snack? Even a bed tray desk to enjoy your breakfast? We have them all cover. This adjustable VENTED aluminum laptop notebook table can reduce overheating on your laptop / notebook.The extraordinary locking button that can be set in full 360 degree angles to fit any body position.

If you think about it, there aren’t too many accessories like this portable desk that allow you to lie on your back and access your computer with two hands. Normally, without the desk, you’d be able to work in bed sitting up with laptop on your lap. But those who’ve tried this know the lap suffers from computer burn. Ouch.

I’m starting to flashback to scenes from “Wall-E,” where the human race becomes so obese that they have to lie down to work and computer screens manifest in mid-air. I guess it goes without saying that one shouldn’t get too used to the horizontal office. Maybe just treat it as an option for casual Fridays.

You can get the Portable Laptop Desk at Amazon.com for $40.13.

If you fear nodding off to dreamland on the job, maybe these laptop desks would be a better choice: Lapdesk with USB Touchpad and Logitech Speaker Lapdesk n700.

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