Pic Nic Pants

Harem pants are all the rage these days. I’m personally not very fond of the trend, but it’s hard to say no to them if they come in the form of these Pic Nic Pants. I don’t think these were designed with fashionistas in mind though, given the type of fabric and color the pants come in.

What makes the Pic Nic Pants different from most other capri harem pants out there is that it comes with a bit of extra fabric down the middle. This fabric stretches out into a table when the wearer sits cross-legged on the floor, which makes for a pretty fine impromptu table when the wearer needs one.

Pretty neat, huh? The Pic Nic Pants were designed by Italian company Acquacalda, which explains the design like so:

“Fashion imposes forms to whom finding a function seems a must. Pic Nic pants take advantage of the usual cross-legged position to become a comfortable surface useful for the consumption of a meal outdoors. Laterally pants have an orientable pocket for drinks.”

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