Petron Fun Hand Bow

I’m pretty certain that fans of Robin Hood and archery will have a grand old time with the Petron Fun Archery Set. However, you might prefer just using one hand while shooting up a storm. In that case, you’ll probably want to get the Petron Fun Hand Bow instead.

You don’t have to pull back another arm and take aim with this baby. Instead, just hold it as you would a gun and fire your arrows away. Face off with a friend or two who have the Fun Archery Set and see who will emerge victorious.

Petron Fun Hand Bow

Never mind futuristic foam dart guns. For a really exciting weapon, you need the firing mechanism in full view – taut, armed and ready to fire. And for looks like that, you need to go old-school.

Sure, the Petron Fun Handbow might only fire lightweight plastic arrows, but tell that to the person wielding it. Armed with this cut-down crossbow you’ll be ready to take on all comers (as long as they’re made of plastic, or glass). The sucker-tipped projectiles will stick satisfyingly to any smooth surface, making windows perfect for target practice. To aaarms!

The Petron Fun Hand Bow is available from Firebox for $19.

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