NES Controller Cufflinks

Cufflinks are a quick and simple way to show your appreciation for things you admire and GeekAlerts has shown you quite a few cool sets. There was Darth Vader, Star Trek, Pac-Man, and many other sets that would keep even the biggest geek fan satisfied for weeks.

The classic NES system is still one of the best gaming systems to play and many people really enjoy all the 8-bit memories. So when I saw these NES Controller Cufflinks, I figured quite a few of you would appreciate them and maybe they will help one or two of you get through those long work days.

Made from shrink plastic, these cufflinks look identical to the classic Nintendo controller and will add some “Geek” style to your button down shirts. You can purchase the NES Controller Cufflinks at for $23.

Don’t forget to add a cool tie to your work attire: Space Invaders, Star Wars, or classic 8-Bit Bow Tie.

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