Motion Mimicking Mechanoid

This is it, people. The Motion Mimicking Mechanoid is one of the first steps towards a robot apocalypse. Prepare to kneel before your robot overlords, and remember that this little guy started it all.

Sure, this 4-foot-tall figure might look cute, possibly triggering memories of Johnny 5 from Short Circuit, but don’t be fooled. This bundle of microprocessors and servos might be housed in a plastic body, but it only requires an iPhone or Android phone to take control of it. Do you know how many people have smartphones? You don’t even need to take a class or get a license to own an iPhone. Can you really trust these people?

This seemingly harmless robot can even be taught to move and what to say by grasping his arms and head and moving them as desired while speaking to him when it is in “programming” mode. It’s that simple. No programming experience required. Humanity will fall because of robots basically playing monkey-see, monkey-do.

Still, this little guy is cute, and capable of providing plenty of fun… at least until it starts the war between man and machine.

The Motion Mimicking Mechanoid is available for $399.95 at Hammacher Schlemmer and on sale for $245 at

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