Mini Cooper Electric Ride-On with R/C

A while back, we showed you a mini, Mini Cooper convertible powered by a remote control. Now what do you get if you reverse the effects of your shrink gun, point it at the mini, Mini Cooper, but fail to make the car reach full-size capacity? You wind up with the Mini Cooper Electric Ride-On with R/C.

Little kids don’t need to be taught that they look a hundred times more awesome in a convertible. They pick up on that concept right away. When a kid hops into his/her Mini Cooper (Dukes-of-Hazzard-style, yee haw!), life just doesn’t get any better. The weight limit to ride the Mini is 30 kg or 66 lbs., so that could mean several years until your kid outgrows the vehicle.

One of the hottest cars on this side of the water or any other is the Mini Cooper. This Mini Cooper holds a child that is over two years old and weighs less than 30 kg. It has a 6v motor and a 6v battery, meaning that there is enough power to travel around 2 to 3 km per hour for a good long time. The lights in the front actually light up, and the sounds the car makes is enough to keep any child happy! The Mini Cooper also comes with a remote control so that you can keep your little driver on the right path. Ride on Mini Cooper with Remote Control 1 x 6v Motor 1 x 6v Battery IC sound 2-3km/hr Speed Front Light Maximum Capacity 30kg 2+ Years Age 105 x 60 x 47cm Size of vehicle.

  • 2-3km/hr Speed
  • 105 x 60 x 47cm Size of vehicle
  • blue or red available
  • IC sound

Parents will love the remote control feature for times when kids veer off the beaten path at a heart-racing 1 to almost 2 miles per hour.

In the electric Mini, kids will feel like official racers with all the fun push-button controls at the steering wheel, car noises, roomy sports seat, and headlights that actually light up. Eat my dust, Lightning McQueen.

The Mini Cooper Electric Ride-On with R/C is sold at Amazon from $299.99. Typically the color of Mini cannot be chosen, but that delightfully adds to the suspense. You’ll either get a red or blue one.

Here are some other ride-ons made for lucky little speed demons: the Mercedes Roadster and the Ferrari Pedal Car.

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