Metal Pro Powerball

I remember this old exercise ball that my dad had a few years back from when his doctor recommended it to him to provide some minimal exercise and help him maintain his grip. I’ve seen a fair share of exercise balls come and go because dad’s would either get lost, get chewed up by our dog, or simply get worn out. But I haven’t seen anything quite like the Metal Pro Powerball.

The Metal Pro Powerball isn’t just for people who need some minor exercise, because it’s also actually good for building strength and for toning your arms, shoulders, and your wrist. You can also change the settings to match what type of Powerball workout you want.

Metal Pro Powerball

The Metal Pro Powerball is a precision-engineered piece of kit for the serious Powerballer. Just as addictive, just as much fun, and even better for building strength and muscle tone in your wrists, arms and shoulders, it’s already being used by top athletes to improve their performance. After first setting the inner section spinning, rhythmic circular hand and wrist movements not only maintain the rotation, but also make it steadily faster.

The reason Powerball gets very addictive indeed is due to the Accura V2.0 digital counter. At the end of each session the LCD screen will display your high score; which you’ll probably want to beat as time goes on.

The Metal Pro Powerball is available from Firebox for £69.99 ($112.)

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