MediaDevil Anti-Bacterial Typeguard Keyboard Protector

If you want to protect your Apple Macbook and Macbook Pro then you are going to be glad to hear that MediaDevil just released two ultra-thin MediaDevil Anti-Bacterial Typeguard Keyboard Protectors. These waterproof keyboard covers will protect your laptop from dust, spills, and everyday contaminants and come in clear or anti-bacterial versions.

These new typeguards are made from high-grade, low friction thermoplastic urethane, are 50% thinner than regular silicon protectors, and measure only 0.2mm thick. If you are a student or person on the go, the anti-bacterial typeguard edition is the ideal choice to help stop the spread of germs and it is embedded with silver nanoparticles that are scientifically proven to prevent the growth of over 600 types of bacteria.

Computer keyboards can carry more harmful bacteria than a toilet seat, including those that cause E.coli and staph infections,” explains MediaDevil founder Callum Bush. “MediaDevil already offers protective tools for tablets and smartphones, so it was a natural next step to provide laptop users with a similarly effective shield. The result is a thinner guard that complements the sleek design and gives users an anti-bacterial choice for the ultimate protection.

Protect you investment and pick up the soon to be released MediaDevil Anti-Bacterial Typeguard Keyboard Protectors at for roughly $20.

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