Marvel Legends Punisher War Machine Helmet Prop Replica

As The Punisher, Frank Castle is a lethal force with basic weapons. With the high-tech War Machine armor, he is extremely powerful and dangerous. Enjoy a bit of that armor yourself with this full-scale Marvel Legends Punisher War Machine Helmet Prop Replica.

Highly detailed and a full 1:1 scale, this Marvel Legends Series premium roleplay item is inspired by the Marvel Future Fight video game. It features 2 glowing red LED eyes, electronic sound effects, and a finish creates an illusion of advanced alloy construction. The faceplate can be detached and then connected to the top via embedded magnets. You’ll look pretty cool wearing this.

Talk about a war machine! The Marvel Legends Punisher War Machine Helmet Prop Replica – Exclusive gives Stark tech to Frank Castle. What could possibly go wrong? This full-size electronic helmet features light-up red eyes and an amazing coat of paint, adding the skull-like design to the face of one of Marvel’s most recognizable costumes.

Inspired by the Marvel Future Fight video game, this Marvel Legends Series 1:1 full-scale premium roleplay item is highly detailed and features electronic lights and sounds. In addition to 2 glowing LED eyes, the helmet has a magnetized faceplate that can be detached and then connected to the top. Attaching and detaching the faceplate triggers the light-up eyes and sound FX. The detailed interior mimics serious circuitry. The finish creates an illusion of advanced alloy construction. The plastic Marvel Legends Punisher War Machine Helmet Prop Replica – Exclusive is the perfect addition to any Marvel collection. One size fits most.

This Marvel Legends Punisher War Machine Helmet Prop Replica is available to pre-order for $99.99 at Entertainment Earth. Availability is expected in October 2019.

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