Marijuana! Hey, At Least It’s Not Crack!

If you are a fan of four-twenty and you are looking for a little memento for your private office, a poster/book cover, or even a t-shirt embracing the day, checkout these catchy items featuring Marijuana! Hey, At Least It’s Not Crack! logo. Everyone knows crack kills and this funny expression puts a smile on the face of most marijuana users…unless they happen to also be crack users.

If you like to be bold, you can purchase and wear the above t-shirt as a daily reminder that you’re doing okay. It is available in several colors, styles and sizes from starting at $40.15.

For 4/20 lovers lucky enough to have their own room, maybe this framed art is more your style. Stick it on the wall…Sit back…And enjoy a puff or two while poking fun at other people’s problems. The framed artwork is available at for $86 and makes for a cool gift.

For those of you saving your money so you can enjoy 4/20, this Marijuana! Hey, At Least It’s Not Crack! Poster is both affordable and fun. You could probably even use it as a book cover, although that may get you in some trouble with less open minded teachers. Pick it up at for $4.99.

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