Make Your Own Banner Kit

Have you ever wanted to make your own banner, but just didn’t have the supplies or the time? Well, this Make Your Own Banner Kit makes it easy to create a banner for any occasion.

It’s as simple as putting letters on a string really. With this kit you can spell out your own personalized banners. It comes with over 100 letters/numbers/symbols so really, anything you can think up you can make a banner for.

Make Your Own Banner Kit

  • Create your own colorful banner for your next party
  • Great for birthdays, going away parties, graduations, or anytime
  • Kit contains: 70 letters, 20 numbers, 10 symbols, Links, Hanging strings
  • Reusable! Take ’em apart and store them for your next party

The best part is that it is reusable. When you are done, you just take it apart and put it away somewhere. Great for birthdays, get-togethers or any occasion where you have something to spell out. Just $6.99 from Thinkgeek.

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