Lord of the Rings ‘Delete, You Fools’ T-Shirt

The Lord of the Rings ‘Delete, You Fools’ T-Shirt proves that even the most powerful wizards live in the shadow of fear when facing possible death.

What’s worse than dying at the fiery hands of the Balrog? Worse than abandoning the friend that you talked into undertaking a dangerous quest? Worse than scraping the soot of Mordor out of your long, scraggly beard?

The possibility that others will see what you were up when online, that’s what, and it’s enough to strike fear in anyone, even the mighty Gandalf.

Artist ApeLad has created an image that reveals what Gandalf really shouted to the Fellowship of the Ring right before he fell, and it was a lot more important than ‘Fly, you fools.’

The Lord of the Rings ‘Delete, You Fools’ T-Shirt is available for $15 at Shirt.Woot.

(via Fashionably Geek)

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