Logan The Final Act Art Print

The past and future Wolverines bare their claws on the Logan The Final Act Art Print.

Logan and Laura. Wolverine and X-23. The former X-Man and his young clone don’t get a chance to spend much time together but the two are an awesome fighting team when forced to battle their pursuers in the woods. Artist Wiz Yakuza created an eye-catching 11″ x 17″ print that features Dafne Keen’s Laura and Hugh Jackman’s Logan standing back-to-back, ready to fight, their razor-sharp claws bared for battle.

The print is hand-drawn, digitally-colored, and 100% original. The artist’s watermark and text do not appear on the actual print.

Need more bloody X-23 action? Check out the Logan X-23 iPhone Case.

Available for $14.99 at wizyakuza.com.

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