Lava Pillow

Lava in a pillow? That would probably make things just a tad bit too hot, but the Lava Pillow has the next best thing, making it the ideal solution to tired and achy muscles… with the next best thing after that being to stop doing things that make your muscles tired and achy.

Instead of being stuffed with feathers or cotton, this pillow is filled with lava mineral particles that retain heat “like no other substance,” allowing you to cut the cord on the heating pad and put the hot water bottle back in Grandma’s closet. Just pop this little pillow in the microwave for two minutes and it’s ready to go to work delivering some relaxing muscle-soothing heat.

Can’t stand the heat? Well, get out of the kitchen – Oh, I mean forget about the fire if the ice is what you crave and stick the pillow in the freezer for 15 to 20 minutes to use it as a cold compress.


  • Filled with lava sand
  • Stores heat for longer
  • A completely dry heat that releases effectively
  • Relieve tense muscle, back ,joint, stomach or abdominal pain
  • Helps regenerate any injuries after the acute phase
  • Can improve circulation

Hook yourself up with the pillow that works either hot or cold and grab the Lava Pillow for £24.99 / €30 / $39 from

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