Killer Whale Submarine

Not many of us are lucky enough, or crazy enough, to grab a free ride on Shamu or any of those other killer whales you’ll find at Sea World. But for those of you with cash to burn and a need for an adrenaline rush, there’s the Killer Whale Submarine.

You won’t be battling it out with any great white sharks for ocean supremacy, but you will get to bring along a copilot on all your undersea adventures. The killer whale sub features a 255-hp supercharged Rotax axial flow engine that will allow you to hydroplane over the water’s surface at 50 mph and it can drive to depths of 5′ while cruising at 25 mph.

This two-person watercraft can breach and submerge almost as easily as a real Orcinus orca. A watertight 1/2″-thick acrylic canopy protects you from the water as you push and pull the twin control levers to articulate the sub’s killer whale pectoral fins for rolls and stealthy dives. The throttle is controlled by a finger trigger and steering is done by dual foot pedals that control the vectored thrust of the Rotax axial flow engine.

The cockpit’s dashboard includes a speedometer, tachometer, engine and air pressure gauges, and an LCD that displays live video from the dorsal fin’s built-in camera. Vinyl seats with closed-cell foam upholstery and four-point racing harnesses ensure pilot and passenger safety. With 14-gallon fuel tank. Special conditions and guarantee limitations apply. 17 1/4′ L x 3 1/2′ W x 4 3/4′ H. (1,450 lbs.) Please call 1-800-227-3528 for purchasing details.

If you’ve always wanted to play in a killer whale styled submarine and you happen to have an extra $100,000 sitting around, make the call and purchase the Killer Whale Submarine from Hammacher Schlemmer.

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