Keep Calm and Don’t Blink Doctor Who T-Shirt

Doctor Who has faced some wicked baddies throughout his journeys in space and time but the Weeping Angels have to be among the most terrifying. Celebrate the Doctor and these wicked adversaries with the Keep Calm and Don’t Blink Doctor Who T-Shirt, which offers words of wisdom that might possibly save your life.

Living statues frozen in time as long as someone is looking at them, but take your eyes off of them for too long and you’re dead meat. This handy shirt will remind you of the life-saving techniques required to survive an encounter with the deadly Weeping Angels, and you’ll look good too.

The 100% cotton t-shirt comes in TARDIS blue and even features a tiny TARDIS over the slogan. Your fellow Whovians will know the importance of the advice but noobs will be intrigued enough to approach you to ask what it’s all about. Just think about that. Not only do you have clothing and instructions for dealing with Weeping Angels, but you have a convenient ice-breaker at parties, too.

You can get the Keep Calm and Don’t Blink Doctor Who T-Shirt for $17.99 – $19.99 from

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