Ka-Bar Tactical Spork

That laughable bit of plasticware that can’t decide if it wants to be a spoon or fork gets a butt-kicking upgrade with the Ka-Bar Tactical Spork.

It’s the scourge of students everywhere but this spork is unlike any you’ve seen before. As a matter of fact, if you can only choose one survival tool for a zombie apocalypse, this spork should probably be it.

In addition to being a fork/spoon combo, the handle can be pulled out to reveal a serrated blade that measures almost 7-inches long… which is plenty long enough to take out a zombie when fighting hand-to-hand with the walking dead.

The Tactical Spork, which is made from food and water approved Grilamid, is equipped with a fork/spoon combo and has a serrated knife hidden in the handle. The knife is accessed by pulling the spork in opposite directions from each end.

The Ka-Bar Tactical Spork is available at Walmart and Amazon.com.

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