Jurassic Bingo T-Shirt

Building a dinosaur from scratch is super-easy according to the Jurassic Bingo T-Shirt.

Okay, it might not be as memorable as Ian Malcolm’s flirty discussion about chaos theory or his meme-worthy ‘life… uhhh… finds a way’ quote but anyone who saw Jurassic Park probably remembers the little video that Alan Grant and the gang watched before they were forced to run for their lives to avoid being eaten – the video with Mr. DNA explaining how incredibly easy it to make dinosaurs.

Turns out all you need is some dino DNA, some frog DNA, and a blatant disregard for safety when the idea of a dinosaur theme park pops into your head, because like Ian said, if the Pirates of the Caribbean breaks down, the pirates don’t eat the tourists.

Available for $22 at TeeFury.

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