James Bond Remote-Controlled Stunt Car

We can’t all be James Bond but at least we can pretend to live the life of 007 with the James Bond Remote-Controlled Stunt Car, and we don’t have to listen to Q lecturing us about being careful behind the wheel.

While it would be totally awesome to slip behind the wheel of an Aston Martin DBS V12 and take it on two wheels like Bond, I’ve finally accepted the fact that it probably won’t happen. I’ve also, very sadly, accepted the fact that I’ll probably never get a chance to woo a Bond girl or save the world, but I’m doing my best to move on with those limitations in my life. Fortunately, this neat RC stunt car does allow me to at least pretend I’m sitting behind the little steering wheel, outrunning international goons while they seek to do me bodily harm.

This miniature version of Bond’s Aston Martin has a small wheel that extends out from the right side of the undercarriage, popping the right front and rear wheels off the ground in a classic Bond maneuver. Another button on the remote also lets you pop wheelies or shoot up a ramp, and the car will even play the famous James Bond theme music.

James Bond Remote-Controlled Stunt Car

  • Requires three AAA batteries; includes six AA batteries
  • 13″ L x 5″ W x 3 1/2″ H. (2 3/4 lbs.)

You can enter the high-stakes world of Agent 007 with the James Bond Remote-Controlled Stunt Car for $69.95 at Hammacher Schlemmer.

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