iPhone Finder

Smart phones are great but sometimes the owner has a brain-fart and doesn’t act as smart as the phone, losing their beloved gadget to the clutter within their home or office. Fortunately, the iPhone Finder is there to pick up the slack when your hectic life causes you to temporarily forget the last known location of your iPhone.

The Finder is small enough to keep on your keychain and, with the help of a free app, it will help you locate your missing phone from up to 25-feet away. Just press the button to make your phone sound an alarm or vibrate to alert you of its location.

Don’t want to lose your phone in the first place? The Finder can be set up to establish a constant wireless connection that will cause the alarm to sound whenever it moves more than 25-feet away.

And to help prevent those little ironies that life sometimes sends our way, if you happen to keep track of your iPhone but lose the Finder, you can use the app to locate the device.

To make this sweet gadget even sweeter, it can also be used to keep track of your iPad and iPod.

iPhone Finder

  • Included CR2032 battery lasts up to 8 months.
  • Compatible with iPhone 5, 4S, iPad 3, or 5th generation iPod.
  • 2″ L x 1 1/4″ W x 1/3″ D. (1 1/2 oz.)

The iPhone Finder is available for $49.95 at Hammacher Schlemmer.

View Comments (1)

  • Without a doubt, the most utterly useless thing I have ever heard of in my life. If you don't have the presence of mind to grab someone's phone and CALL your misplaced iphone to track it, you deserve this. I hope it costs hella lot of money. And that it sterilizes anyone who purchases it.

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