iPad Guitar Tutor

You want to rock out like a guitar hero but you can’t play the guitar to save your life? The iPad Guitar Tutor set you on the path to musical righteousness, and you don’t have to worry about anyone laughing at you while you’re still pathetic in the early stages.

All you have to do is dock your tablet into the full-size guitar simulator, decide if you need a tutor for electric, acoustic, or bass guitar, and use the free app to display guitar strings that you can strum and pick to generate resonating guitar sounds through the built-in speaker.

The simulator’s stringless fret board has 84 LEDs that light-up to help teach finger placement for playing notes and chords, and you can also add distortion, reverb, and flanger delay to the tunes in your iTunes library.

If you have roommates around, or decide your air guitar needs a little less ‘air’ and a lot more ‘guitar’ while strumming in the workplace’s parking garage, you can use the headphone input to keep your jamming to yourself.

iPad Guitar Tutor

  • Adjusts to accommodate left- or right-handed guitarists
  • Compatible with iPad, iPhone, and iPod running iOS 5 or later.
  • Includes four AA batteries.
  • 36″ L x 12″ W x 1 1/2″ D. (3 3/4 lbs.)

You can unleash your inner six-string demon with the iPad Guitar Tutor for $149.95 at Hammacher Schlemmer.

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