International Research Robot

One of these days, the robots will take over, and the International Research Robot is a great way to practice bowing to our future robotic overlords.

Since it only stands 2-feet-tall, there’s not much of a chance of this little guy taking over the world but he can do a lot of other cool things, including being programmed with new routines to add to its library of behaviors, hold objects with its hands, walk across a variety of surfaces, scratch its head when confused, stand back up after being knocked down, identify items, obstacles, faces, and human speech. Built-in infrared emitters can also turn on appliances remotely at its owner’s command.

On second thought, maybe this robot is capable of leading the robot revolution. Thankfully, the built-in battery only allows it to operate for about 90 minutes so the uprising should be relatively short.

The International Research Robot is available for $7,900 at Hammacher Schlemmer.

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