Hanging Alarm Clock

This annoying product follows on from the success of the flying alarm clock. This time the clock hangs from the ceiling and will climb higher and higher away from you each time you hit the snooze button.

To use, all you need to do is attach the clock to your ceiling by the supplied cable, set the alarm and fall asleep. When the alarm goes off to the sound of the Close Encounters of the Third Kind, you reach up to hit the snooze button, and the clock will reel up the 30cm cable in one minute. Each time you snooze it, the hanging alarm clock will wind up another 30cm.

The idea is that eventually you will have to drag yourself out of bed to reach the alarm and switch it off. This gradual awakening will gently rouse you from your sleep but also make sure you actually make it out of bed.

Technical Specifications

  • The clock is suspended from the ceiling by a cable
  • Alarm sound is the Close Encounters theme tune
  • Everytime the snooze button is pressed, the clock reels up the cable 30cm in one minute

The Hanging Alarm Clock is yours for £19.99 (about $40 USD).

View Comments (1)

  • Does anyone know who sells this in the US? I'd like to find out who the US distributor or manufacturer is. Anyone know?

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