Hammerhead Shark Radio

If the Love Duck Radio is a bit too much on the cute side for your taste, you could always go for this hammerhead shark FM/AM radio instead.

The splashproof Hammerhead Radio requires 2 x AA batteries and the product is available over at the Red5 website for £12 (about $18 USD).

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  • Har du sett att du var bland de nominerade i bloggtävlingen

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  • Quick everybody get out of the bathroom, there's a shark in my bathtub! That would probably be my first reaction if it was a real shark. But then again I've always wanted to swim with the sharks. I wonder if this one is a friendly shark, kinda like the friendly giant. Hmmmm.... You know, it is sort of cute and the fact that is plays great music too is comforting. I should see if I ask nicely if it will take me for a ride on its fin. A hammerhead shark radio in my bathroom, you bet. I just can't remember where I put my shark cage....

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