Groovy and Doomy T-Shirt

Evil Dead meets DOOM on the Groovy and Doomy T-Shirt, and your wardrobe will never be the same again.

Can a single tee handle such a double-shot of awesomeness? Yes it can, thanks to artist Manoss1995.

DOOM, the 1993 video game that helped pioneer the first-person shooter style of gaming, meets Ash Williams of Living Dead infamy, the first guy to chop off his hand and replace it with a chainsaw to kill Deadites. These two franchises have so much in common that it’s stunning to think a mashup didn’t occur before now. After all, Ash kills Deadites and Doomguy kills demons. Wait! Maybe Ash becomes Doomguy, like DOOM is the future of Evil Dead! You know it’s possible.

Available for $22 at TeeFury.

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