Grimm Wesen T-Shirt

Want to become a Grimm like Nick Burkhardt but don’t want to waste time with dusty old books? The Grimm Wesen T-Shirt will teach you about some of the beasties living among us.

Nick’s library of weirdness appears in almost every episode of Grimm, with Nick and his friends grabbing ancient weapons or looking through old books to learn about their opponent. This tee won’t help with the ancients weapons – or helping you see the Wesen with Grimm-vision – but it does provide text and pictures on some members of the Wesen community. It’s like wearing one of those dusty old pages on your chest… except the shirt isn’t dusty… or old… and it didn’t come out of a book.

The Grimm Wesen T-Shirt is available for $13.97 at NBCUniversal.

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