Godzilla Maquette

Stomping off the big screen and into your home is the King of Monsters with the Godzilla Maquette.

Designed and developed using original digital assets from the 2014 film, Godzilla, this 24-inch-tall statue features a detailed look at the mighty creature who sometimes seems a little camera-shy in the movie, always ducking behind buildings and stomping on things to try to keep people from looking him. Guess the big guy is shy.

The terrifying enemy of the M.U.T.O.s might not have his iconic roar or atomic breath in this form but he’s still a formidable addition to your collection of beasts and monsters.

The Godzilla Maquette will be available July 2015 but it can be pre-ordered now for $799.99 at Sideshow Collectibles.

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