Giant1227 Desk Lamp

Whether it’s through actually using one or simply seeing it as the lovable mascot for PIXAR, almost everyone recognizes a desk lamp, but the Giant1227 Desk Lamp is probably a little (or a lot) more lamp than you might be expecting.

At first glance, you might smile at the above photo, thinking how cute it is to play with proportions by using a tiny chair to make the lamp look big, but that’s not trick photography or tiny props. It’s just a big frickin’ lamp.

If you’re looking for a unique lamp that will get attention as well as provide light, this approximately 6-foot-tall version of the humble desktop accessory should do the trick. Unlike its little cousin, this big boy also has a dimmer to control the light level to insure you don’t go blind or get sunburn when sitting under it.

The Giant1227 Desk Lamp is available for £2,280/$3,568.66 at AnglePoise.

(via Red Ferret)

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